Title | Presenter |
The impact of an economic crisis on the quality of life of aging workers: the case of Greece | Anna Saiti (Greece) |
Effects of the crisis on the older population in Turkey: how the crisis increased the poverty of older people | Hakki Yilmaz (Turkey) |
The economic crisis and the perceived-health of older people in Italy: time trend study 2007-2013 | Giulia Cavrini (Italy) |
Title | Presenter |
Variations in the financial impact of widowhood | Sanna Nivakoski (Ireland) |
Social networks, family and kinship ties of the elderly in migrant families: the receipt of financial and non-financial transfers | Malgorzata Kalbarczyk (Poland) |
Human needs, income adequacy and equivalence scales for the elderly populations in Portugal: some evidence and policy implications | José Pereirinha (Portugal) |
Title | Presenter |
Care arrangements and interactions for siblings providing care to an elderly parent in France | Quitterie Roquebert (France) |
Information intermediaries in the social care market for the older population | Paula Albuquerque (Portugal) |
The impact of cash or services on the equitable use of home care by older people | Ricardo Rodrigues (Austria) |
Time-use in the provision of care to the elderly | Pedro Perista (Portugal) |
Title | Presenter |
Different types of health expenditures in an OLG framework: living longer or working better? | Annarita Baldanzi (Italy) |
Identifying the potential for longer working lives in Europe | Daniela Weber (Austria) |
Looking beyond averages: quantile regression approach to model older-adult Europeans’ quality of life | Elisa Cisotto (Italy) |
Measuring successful aging with respect for what matters to older persons | Koen Decancq (Belgium) |
Title | Presenter |
Endogenous retirement decisions in an OLG model with household heterogeneity | Duarte Leite (Germany) |
The retirement decision: similarity and differences in the SHARE’s countries | Israel Luski (Israel) |
‘What could make me stay at work?’ A qualitative study about retirement predictors | Inês Sousa (Portugal) |
Does the task specific retirement behaviour in Germany support the polarization hypothesis? Gender differences among socially insured German workers | Laura Romeu-Gordo (Germany) |
Population ageing in asia & pacific region: socio-economic challenges | Halimah Awang (Malaysia) |
Poster presentations | Presenter |
Identification of clusters with a high level of demographic aging in the urban space of Poznan | Adam Dąbrowski, Sylwia Filas-Przybył (Poland) |
Senior entrepreneurship | Catarina Matos (Portugal) |